and this is just because...
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Alright some of you may have noticed that the guest book is gone.  WELLLL, guess what I got tired of someone spamming it with blank entries. -.-  SOOOooo  until some f***head can learn to behave I will not have it up.  Yeah I am a bit P.Oed at my computer and on going spam.

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     Alright, I wonder if I should say a little about myself.  I'm a 22 year old college student who's majoring in graphic design.  My interests are drawing, comic books, animation, books, animals, and so on.  Hahah  I tend to have a lot of time on my hands.  I am generally a nice person, if somewhat quiet.  That doesn't mean I'm shy. 

     I come from a large family with lots of step-siblings.  At the moment I am hellping my step brothers' with their movie The Pirates of Molly Roger. (click the link to check it out) Lucky me however is not living at home with said brothers and sisters.  Woo about damn time.

     Oh I am open to doing commisions just email me and we can talk it over.  Prices and such.  I do have the right to refuse a request if I do not feel comfertable drawing it.


11/16/04 On the links page you will find a banner for my site if you wish to link my site to your page.  You know the drill, save it on your computer and crap like that :p

10/21/04  Added Magdalen's Bliss to the links page.  ^^

9/16/04 Yes it has been a while, but I had moved back home for the summer and my connection there sucked, causing me to crash everytime I tried to update.  So I have a bunch of new stuff today.  New picture of Solana, Teddi and Golden Clouds on art page 1. Willow, Priestess, Pinkduckie, and Akeso on page 2.

3/17/04  Finally got the colored Halloween up (the one that was on the home page).  New is Sellestia and Bazko on the first art page.  I hope tonight I will also finish Gentle.  Woo about damn time.  **And I did go me, so Gentle is done, along with a bonus, The Kiss.  (yes I am aware there are serval famous "The Kisses" out there. This is my take on it).  Enjoy!**

3/15/04 TagBoard for your pleasure.  New drawings coming very soon I hope.

11/24/03 Three new pieces.  One is a gift art.  The other two are commissions.  They are Magdalen (Drawn by Diablerie), Aquan, and Solana Lein (who should have been up a long time ago).

11/4/03  Check out the site of the month by scrolling down.  Sooooo worth looking at.

10/8/03 New drawing "Ti" on the first gallery page. And yes I am in a more traditional artisty (ie color pencil, pencil drawing) phase at the moment.


~ Well I did it.  I created another site called Magdalen's Bliss which will be devoted all to Magdalen, Sitka, Jack and Broken Souls' web comic.  Not much is up at the moment besides a picture or two.

~I've done some thinking and I've decided once I get the chance I am going to break up this site into two more different sites.  One for Dark Ages protraits and another for my comic book, Magdalen, Sitka, and Jack related art.  This site will be kept for random drawings that don't fit into those two sites.  I am learning web page design so my two other sites will look a ton better and will allow me to have more freedom of design.

~Hmmm  news news *searches for news*  Can't say there much going on in my life or this web site.  Been super busy with school this semster (more work load).  These last 8 months or so have been unreal.  A lot of shit I don't understand.  Meh whatever, they all suck.  Comic book: I ever wonder if I will ever get to that, most likely not any time in the near future.  I think I have 3 or 4 half finished drawings I need to get my butt moving on.  Might do that this weekend, heh provided I don't sleep all weekend.  Habit of mine recently, except when I go back to P-town (all you P-towners know this).

Oh and I am always looking for great art sites to put on my links page.  Also for the link of the month.  (yesh I am lazy)  I always like looking at beautiful art, so just poke my brain dead ass anytime.  ^^

If you want to chat with me here's all you need to know:
AOL IM: MagdalenSG

MSN Messenger: none at the moment


Well I did something new, I joined a web ring. Woo go me.

Fantasy Art Ring by animalfantasy
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Guest Book and Links

I have a guest book up so please sign that if you'd like. You can click here or you can just click the link that over there to the left, well that was at the left. Now its up top.

Ok I finally have an art site of the month, and DAMN is his art nice . Check out Art from Leo's Untalented Bastard  and drool along with me.  *sighs*  ^^

Something I wanted to try out. Come on everyone make me proud. ^^ :P


Nature's Wisdom
The wonderful keeper of my site Lady Autumn Wolf herself.
Send me an email
